I entered the building to find a single (not so smiley) face to greet me. Rebecca and I less-than-cheerfully said "morning" to each other before Erik joined us. We were all really mellow and probably still recovering from last night and dreading the good-byes ahead.
I put my stuff down on a couch and spotted Sarah's note out of the corner of my eye. It made me very sad and I had to keep moving before I could concentrate long enough to be overwhelmed with emotion. I walked towards the kitchen to put away my lunch and there I saw it. Sarah's water bottle. The sole reason she had come into church early that morning. I laughed and showed Erik and Rebecca and John, who had walked in as well.
Now, Sarah. I realize that you were probably really mad at yourself and frustrated when you realized that you had locked both your water bottle and key in the church, but it really did make my morning. In other ways, it made me miss you all the more. But I still smile when I think about it. :) It should be coming in the mail soon. Let me know when you get it.
John left for some non-official-contact time with our favorite freckled boy.
Erik and Rebecca still had to talk to Faye who was currently listening to G'ma Sue, so they finished off Heather's list and wrote letters to next year's Trainees (Heather's going to be a little irritated by Erik's letter--she should have seen it coming).
I proceeded to return people's random things to their proper locations and basically avoid my final evaluation at all costs (something Faye figured out and -gently- told me to have done by the end of the work day, which I did...4:40 still counts).
I then made myself useful by spending quality time in my office, cutting out felt hats and beards for a new army of Abes.
If you still need one, let me know. I'll hook you up.
This leads me to my favorite conversation of the day. It happened in our office, with Cathy Jones (the lady in charge of the preschool).
Cathy: (pokes her head in the door) I thought I smelled hot glue gun.
me: Yep. (looks around awkwardly, Abes are laying out on the table, another in my hand.)
Cathy: What are you making?
me: Just some gifts for the Trainees.
Cathy: Oh, that's nice.
me: Yeah.
Cathy: I see they have cute little top hats.
me: Uh-huh....like Abe Lincoln.
Cathy: Well, you're just so creative aren't you? (walks away)
After I finished making them, I put them in a very special place...
Making Abes took up the better part of my day. Rebecca had gone out to lunch and Erik had left for the week, so I was alone in the office. I opened my itunes and did what nobody else really wanted to do....cleaned the office. I now have in my possession, both of Kylan's notebooks and some papers, Molly's binder with her Mongo card and a copy of her school registration. I don't know if you need that. It looked semi-important. I also have some other random things that if people want, they can have. I'll probably just toss them though.
I finished all my/other people's work around 6. The office looks almost like we found it. Minus the stick person drawings on the board and finger-paintings hanging on the walls along with the HS girls' pictures. We'll see how long all of those last in there.
I also moved something.
Throughout the day, even though I was alone, I felt like the rest of you were just busy doing something and that I would see you as soon as you were done. As I left the narthex, it felt like it was just the beginning of a weekend and I would see you all on Monday for another week of work...strangely enough we would not be doing anything together this weekend. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I will see you on Monday. It may not be in three days, but it will come.
1 comment:
I laughed SO HARD at the army of abes..one of the girls I'm with called me a goob for giggling so much.
KL I miss you so bad! I'm sorry that we're all gone :( Once I get settled in Cadiz where I'll be living, I'll set up Skype and I'll talk to you mucho.
have an amazing week! I hope you guys went early to church with popcorn today...let me know. -molly
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