Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sarah's Annual Update

I just totally guessed how to sign into this. It's been a while, dear friends.

So - for anyone who still reads this - I am asking for prayer.

My mom got diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma last week, and last Thursday her oncologist told her what to expect in the next year. It is grim, and it is not positive. What cancer treatment is?

On December 2 she goes in for a second major hip surgery to remove her IT band and her tensor fascia muscle, and any other cancerous tissue they find. They will give her a few weeks to heal and regain strength, and then begin aggressive rounds of chemotherapy for 3-6 months. That will be followed by another 3-6 months of radiation. As the doctor put it "We are in a race to save you leg, but also to save your life." They may find that the cancer in her leg is so extensive that a total amputation may be necessary - though they are hoping this is unlikely.

Honestly, we don't know. We don't know anything. We are going into this completely blind. We have no idea what her prognosis is because there is no way to tell how extensive the cancer is in her leg or the rest of her body. Prognosis is poor if it is in advanced stages, which is possible but not definite.

I struggle knowing who to tell, how to tell, what to do. So I wake up each morning and do what I have to do. I wish I could be close to my mom. I wish I could make sense of the fog that surrounds my every activity.

Be praying for us, if you think of it. We are scared. I am praying for peace and for hope, for the ability to wake up in the morning thanking the Lord for another day, for another day of hearing my sweet momma's voice. Pray they can save her leg, that she will walk with both feet again, that she is strengthened as only the Lord can.

I love you all.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Host Family

Hey guys! I just found out today who my next host family is going to be. I'm going to be living with the Lipp's. I'm pretty excited about it. I'll be moving on the 14th, so in a week and a half. I'll let you all know how it goes.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Sharon Isaacson

Hey guys, our beloved Sharon Isaacson and family could use all of our prayers. Erik's mom just passed away (not sure if it was this morning or last night). She went into the hospital on Tuesday, I believe, so this was really sudden. So be praying for all of the Isaacson's while they go through all of this.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Every Way the Abe Blows

Two more destinations can be added to Abe's Travels.
He really enjoyed Albania, but he didn't really enjoy the winding bus trips sans A/C. More than once did I have to put him in a zip lock bag lest he toss his teeny tiny cookies. That would have been worse than feta cheese, buttermilk, lamb bone soup.

Mine also seems to be addicted to coffee. Everywhere I went I had to shell out leke to feed his addiction. Anybody else having problems keeping their Abe in check?

Anyways, Abe and I did lots of work (though he's not very good at digging fence post holes), worked on our tans and had some fun times--6 hour bus rides not included.

We missed you all and hope you're having as many adventures with your Abes, if not more.

Much love,

KL & Abe

As close as we could afford to a royal visit.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I've been here 3 weeks?!

Hey all! I figured it was time for an update, since I have officially been working for our beloved West Side for 2 1/2 weeks now. The first thing: it's very different working during the school year than during the summer, much quieter and not quite as many shenanigans going on. I guess I will update you guys chronologically, so there's some order to this post. I arrived in Richland 3 weeks ago today, and moved into the apartment at the Tucker's. I spent that evening with Jake and Rachel because Kim, Ryan, and Korey were at Pathfinders; we watched a couple of cartoon shows and played Mouse Trap (my first time ever playing). Thursday I spent the day unpacking and getting things I needed from the store. I actually got to eat with everybody Thursday, but it was a rushed dinner (as I soon found out most dinners are), because Korey and Rachel had swimming. That Friday was my first official day. I came in, and Heather asked if I wanted to get to work right away, so we folded/put in envelopes/labeled said envelopes/and sent off the Children and Family Ministries newsletter. We got that done, and into the mail. Then we out to lunch with Dan, Peggy Wheeler and Kim (Peggy and Kim are the CFM elders). After lunch, I got to talk with Lois Timmons about insurance (Yay!). Then Heather had the chance to do a bit of orientation with me. Saturday was my day off. Then came Sunday. I got introduced at both services, Heather and I did this through the children's sermon (it was quite entertaining, just ask KaraLynn); and I got introduced at Sunday School. I got to spend that Sunday School hour in the 1/2 grade class, which I enjoyed. Monday was also my day off. Tuesday was Staff Meeting, and I kind of got introduced there, but everyone knew me already. I spent part of Tuesday learning about Paging Station stuff, which is something I'll be working with quite a bit. Wednesday was Pathfinders. So that was pretty much what I did that day. Thursday we had a meeting about having an age-appropriate room for the infants and an age-appropriate room for the toddlers who aren't ready to be in the 2 year old class yet. I also got a bit more into the secratarial work that I'll be doing. Friday morning was spent working on questions for a game for Sunday school along with some secratarial stuff, and Friday afternoon was spent meeting with KaraLynn and figuring out Children's Sermon for Sunday. Sunday, KaraLynn and I did the children's sermon together (with Jerome and a felt board); then during Sunday school, I was introduced to the Rainbow Kids, and spent the hour going into each of the classrooms and meeting those teachers/kids. Tuesday I had CDM (the church database) training, I think this is a program I'm going to have a lot of fun with; and we had staff lunch, which is always fun. Wednesday was the Pathfinders banquet, so I was at church for 11 hours that day - it reminded me of the summer. Thursday I met with Patty Parkman and got to talk about what we want to do curriculum wise for the toddler room. Friday was pretty much just prep for Sunday School. Sunday I was in charge of PromisedLand Sunday School because Heather was on vacation, that was interesting, since I wasn't in there the week before and so all the stories that they had done and the one they were going to do that day were all running together. But, Sunday school seemed to go well. I got to spend that hour in the 1/2 grade class again. After church, KaraLynn, Rachel and I decorated Heather's office because she passed her ordination exams; we had quite a bit of fun, and Heather enjoyed coming back to it. Yesterday, we got the new toddler and infant rooms ready - it will be so much nicer to have them separated and be playing with age appropriate toys and being able to have a bit of curriculum for the toddler's. Today, I spent the morning researching possible curriculum for the summer, and then this afternoon was spent in a meeting about our next units curriculum -we are going to do some stories from Acts, and I think it's going to be pretty cool, especially since it's a book that often gets overlooked. So that has been my first 3 weeks here. It's been fun and full of new things for me as well as some old. I guess that's all for now. I will hopefully be able to write more sometime after Easter.


Monday, March 30, 2009

In Case You Were Not Aware...

Our beloved Faye's birthday is this Wednesday. I think she would really appreciate at least a facebook comment from anyone who reads this.
Also, if you would pray for Matt, Greg and Faye especially as Matt left for basic training last week and she hasn't heard a word and she really misses him and her mommy-sense is tingling--she would really enjoy that as well.
Cupcakes all around. :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Abe's greatest adventure

At long last, I retrieved this video from the neglected archives of my friend Michael's computer:

May it bring you all the same joy it brings me.....and may all other Abes be spared such torment.


p.s. This was before we saw the threatening sign that said "Do Not Feed the Apes - 300euro Fine." Yep. Awesome.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sassy McSarcasm Say So...

Hey hey.

I'm a little jealous Rebecca gets to live in my apartment.  But you know, it's not REALLY mine.  Enjoy the new improvements Rebecca!

I was writing to let you all in on some news...

I will be not be coming to Washington as planned for my spring break.  Some of you have heard this already, but just so everyone is on the same page...I won't be there.  It's sad for me to think that I will be missing a chance to see my friends, but I think it's important for me to stay and spend the time with my parents.  More details to come, promise.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Official starting date/host family

Hello everyone! I just found out my official start date at West Side as well as my first host family. (I'll have more than one because of the time commitment involved). My official start date will be March 13, so I will be moving to the Tri on either the 11 or 12. And my host family will be none other than the Tucker's! I will be living in the apartment, so I'm sure there will be movie night's happening at my place. It'll definitely be nice to have my own little place, but only be a little ways away from a wonderful family. Well, that's all for now. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's official!

They approved my job tonight at Session! So in approximately 2 weeks I will be back in the tri! I am excited and a little overwhelmed with what I need to get done in those 2 weeks, but I'm sure I'll be able to get it done. I can't wait to be back over there and doing something that I think I will enjoy more than my current job. That's all for now, I'm sure I'll write something after my first few days there.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


If only you all could have been in the cafeteria at William Jewell College this morning, you would have seen me jumping up and down.  I would be squealing, and you would probably laugh and think I was weird.

However, on this day of love, I found out that I am the recipient of a service award through my school which essentially pays for my entire summer trip to Haiti, pending acceptance as an intern with Mission of Hope.

Mission of Hope is a school, orphanage, and community center (which includes a health clinic - they are building their hospital right now) north of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti.  I can't begin to tell you all how excited I am and blessed by this award.  It has totally given me freedom and taken the whole funding off of my shoulders.

If you have time in the next few weeks, pray for me as I await an answer from MOH as far as internships go.  Also pray that I do not hurt myself jumping up and down in sheer elation.

Miss you guys.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not totally official yet, but...

I am the new CFM intern at West Side! It still has to go through Staff Committee and Session next week, but Heather is pretty sure they will approve it. But from a CFM standpoint, I'm in. This means I will be moving to the Tri sometime in the beginning of March. I talked to my boss about this today, she's excited for me. She would like it if I can stay on through the first week of March so that she can find someone new, and my start date at West Side is somewahat flexible, so I don't see why I wouldn't be able to do that. Thanks for all your prayers about this! Things I could use prayer for in the next few weeks: packing (a big hassle because I have stuff in storage and at my dad's house that I'll want to go through), the move, host family placement and all that goes along with uprooting. The rest of my life is going well, too - I'm working nearly every day, and have been able to see friends on the weekends. And I got to see my dad's side of the family last weekend (a combined get together of Christmas and my grandpa Datin's birthday). I guess that's all for now. I hope you are all well!


Monday, February 2, 2009

Time to play the waiting game

Hey everybody! I had my interview for West Side's CFM intern position on Saturday. It went well. My interviewer's were Heather, Kim Tucker, Peggy Wheeler, Amy Schammert, and Judy Tibbits. It was nice to know some of my interviewer's personally and recognize the other ones. Leading up to the interview I was pretty nervous, but then when I walked in, I was fine - I think the hug from Heather when I came in helped a bit. They liked how I thoughtfully answered the questions. And now I get to play the waiting game. They have more people to interview on Saturday, so I won't know anything for about a week and a half and I won't know for sure until the 18th (because of something having to do with session). When I hear back from them, I will let you all know what they say. In the meantime, prayers would be wonderful. I hope this finds you all well!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Interview Time

Hey everybody! West Side wants to interview me for the CFM intern position. As long as the weather cooperates, I'll be having my interview on Saturday. So I'll be spending the weekend in the Tri. I hope I'm able to see you if you are around!


Friday, January 16, 2009

Life in the Burg

That pictures still makes me rofl.

"What ever you're doing" by Santus Real

"It's time for healing time to move on

It's time to fix what's been broken too long

Time make right what has been wrong

It's time to find my way to where I belong

There's a wave that's crashing over me

All I can do is surrender

Whatever you're doing inside of me

It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace

It's hard to surrender to what I can't see

I'm giving in to something heavenly

Time for a milestone

Time to begin again

Revaluate who I really am

Am I doing everything to follow your will

or just climbing aimlessly over these hills

So show me what it is you want from meI give everything

I surrender

Time to face up

Clean this old house

Time to breathe in and let everything out

That I've wanted to say for so many years

Time to to release all my held back tears

Whatever you're doing inside of me

It feels like chaos but I believe

You're up to something bigger than me

Larger than life something heavenly

Whatever you're doing inside of me

It feels like chaos but now I can see

This something bigger than me

Larger than life something heavenly

Something heavenly

It's time to face up

Clean this old house

Time breathe in and let everything out"

I can't tell you how much comfort this song brings me. I love my life, although at times I still have to ask "Erik what the hell are you thinking?"
Sorry for the potty language. I love you all and am praying for each one of you. Lets catch up sometime. I now has Skypes for chatz.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Application = done

My application for the CFM intern position is officially done. It is due tomorrow, so I have finished it with a bit of time to spare. I will email it to Dan tomorrow and then will await their response. I'll have to go through an interview first. Heather and I talked about it, and we both agree that it would be better for me if I did it in person, but I'm not sure if that can happen. I'll just have to wait and see. I will keep you guys updated on interview and everything. Please keep praying! I miss you all!
