Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sarah's Annual Update

I just totally guessed how to sign into this. It's been a while, dear friends.

So - for anyone who still reads this - I am asking for prayer.

My mom got diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma last week, and last Thursday her oncologist told her what to expect in the next year. It is grim, and it is not positive. What cancer treatment is?

On December 2 she goes in for a second major hip surgery to remove her IT band and her tensor fascia muscle, and any other cancerous tissue they find. They will give her a few weeks to heal and regain strength, and then begin aggressive rounds of chemotherapy for 3-6 months. That will be followed by another 3-6 months of radiation. As the doctor put it "We are in a race to save you leg, but also to save your life." They may find that the cancer in her leg is so extensive that a total amputation may be necessary - though they are hoping this is unlikely.

Honestly, we don't know. We don't know anything. We are going into this completely blind. We have no idea what her prognosis is because there is no way to tell how extensive the cancer is in her leg or the rest of her body. Prognosis is poor if it is in advanced stages, which is possible but not definite.

I struggle knowing who to tell, how to tell, what to do. So I wake up each morning and do what I have to do. I wish I could be close to my mom. I wish I could make sense of the fog that surrounds my every activity.

Be praying for us, if you think of it. We are scared. I am praying for peace and for hope, for the ability to wake up in the morning thanking the Lord for another day, for another day of hearing my sweet momma's voice. Pray they can save her leg, that she will walk with both feet again, that she is strengthened as only the Lord can.

I love you all.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Sarah- I'll be praying for you and your family. If you ever need to talk to anyone, don't hesitate to call. I know how difficult it can be getting through each day, never knowing what's going to happen. I love you and think of you often!