Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I feel like sharing

Wow, today seems to have been blog crazy.
Anyways, this post is nothing profound or deep or anything of that merit, so if that's what you're looking for, read this anyways.
My family is sitting in the living room doing one of the few activities American families do together, watching American reality TV. Ben and I are each on the computer as well. I start IMing him random pictures, just to pass the time and get a few giggles out of him. My mom, being the type of person that likes to know what is going on with everyone at all times, keeps trying to look past Ben at the monitor. As he pulls up one picture, she asks aloud (saying each letter individually), "What does 'Y, SO, SRS' stand for?"
I laughed so hard I almost fell off the couch.
After typing it all out, it doesn't seem so funny anymore and I almost don't want to post this. But I will anyways. Yep.

1 comment:

molls said...

I was just thinking of that picture this morning! I wanted to share it with someone here, but (a) I didn't think I could do it justice, and (b) I'm still not allowed to talk.
How's your grandpa? How did your dad's trip go? How're your classes? Have you been "FAAAYYYE"ing frequently?