Friday, December 26, 2008

So giddy I can't sleep.

Ok. So I have had a nagging feeling in my stomach this last semester that maybe nursing isn't exactly the right career for me. Don't get me wrong, I love being in the hospital and working with patients and their families, and I think I would enjoy it for the most part. But I know that my favorite part of working with patients is being able to listen to their stories and make them feel better, even if just by my presence or my interest in their lives. Which has led me to this...

Nursing isn't it for me. I like it, but I think there is a piece that is missing. Which I was struck with this thought (seriously considering it, that is. I have toyed with the idea before...) - I need to go into counseling.

It seems to fit perfectly with what my ideal job would be. If I could do anything, it would be working with kids who were soldiers, in sex trafficking, or affected by war. It would involve therapy, and taking care of them physically, as a lot of kids have been physically hurt, but perhaps the more pressing need is emotional.

I am telling you this because I feel the Lord presenting this to me, and I want to be faithful in prayer in the coming months. I am excited about this possibility for my future. I would appreciate the prayers or the reminders to be faithful in discerning what the Lord is laying in front of me.

Thanks - I can't even begin to tell you how much I have missed each one of you. I am praying for you each specifically tonight and hoping you are well. MISS YOU.


Monday, December 22, 2008


I miss you all so very much and I hope life is awesome for you all.

I'm super excited for Man Lunch on Wednesday so I can see John, Tyler, and Kylan.

Sarah, don't forget to call me back this week. If not something terrible involving clowns will take place.

Rebbecca, I'm super excited to hear that you might be working for West Side, make sure to keep us posted.

Molly, we should communicate sometime.

KaraLynn I hope I see you at West Side on Christmas Eve, all of us in the Tri-Cities should get together to watch a movie.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

por fin!

Hey all, so, I'm pretty stoked to finally share this; it's not that cool, but hey - más vale tarde que nunca, right?

Today, exactly 4 months after I finished with being a trainee and left for Spain, I FINALLY TURNED IN MY EVALUATION!!!!



Friday, December 19, 2008

Thoughts, wisdom, prayers

Hey all! After I told people about my job dilemma, Heather approached me about a possible opening in CFM as an intern because they are short of staff. She took the idea to session, and they have approved it. As she has prayed about it, she kept being led to me, and I've been looking into the possibility of church ministry. So I would like to know what you guys think. Any thoughts, wisdom, prayers will be appreciated.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today my boss approached me at work and asked me to step down from my position and become a sub. Let me just say, I am relieved. I'm not the best fit for the one year old class, and I had been contemplating just how long I was going to stay at that job. For now, I'm going to stay on as a sub, but I will be looking for a different job. Maybe I'll be a nanny, or a paraeducator. Or something else, I don't know. But I am very relieved. I hope you are all well.
