Saturday, August 23, 2008

I didn't sign up for this...

KylanI didn't sign up with being a trainee to end up having to leave all of you. I definitely don't remember that in the paper works.
After leaving all of you guys Tuesday *cough* boo for not being able to see all of you *cough*, I haven't really had a life. The whole, little "retreat" I was going to was merely an informational meeting to where I, unknowingly, signed up to help with EVERYTHING! I feel like those parents who didn't make it to the PTA meeting and all the other parents just voted them the president, along with every other position they had, including some they just made up, but I was only there for the meeting. I'm working twice as hard up here but am not getting paid a penny or getting free meals nor am I able to see any of you! I don't remember signing up for this. Where's my fruit salad as my dessert?!
Other than that, I've finally moved all my things in my new apartment. I really like it. I went in my closet and while I was able to put all my clothes away, I didn't see KaraLynn making any new outfits for Jerome. This closet has just become not even close to as cool as KaraLynn's office is.
I miss everyone and I hope that everyone who was traveling made it safe and sound to their destinations. One good thing here, none of the middle school girls followed me to Pullman!!!

In the trenches of Pullman,


KL said...

1. I'm glad somebody told you about the blog! It's good your voice/words(?).
2. Sorry about the retreat/stick Kylan with everything meeting. Hopefully things will smooth out...if not, I know a church in Richland that would love you.
3. Anytime you want, just let me know and I'll come crash in your closet and try and smuggle Jerome out of Heather's office and we will whisper to each other while you try and sleep.
4. Just give me your address and I'd be more than happy to pass it on to Lena and Analiese and possibly give them a couple bucks for gas. ;)
OH HOW I MISS YOU! The last few days without you felt so empty and like there was huge hole in everything I did at the church. I definitely missed your presence.

Sarah said...

I am glad you got the blog info too! I thought about that earlier today...sorry we didn't alert you earlier.

Dumb Pullman. Dumb KC. Dumb summer being over.

Seriously though, I hope the middle school girls hitch hike to see you.

Kylan Frost said...

if the mid-high girls came up here, I'm not sure if I'd cry or call you all immediately to laugh about it with you. Molly texted me about the blog pretty quickly.

trainee said...

kylan! hola! I'm so sorry that you got stuck with everything...that pretty much stinks. (Still not saying "sucks"...Faye's most lasting Can you talk to anyone to see if they can lighten your load? Make those slackers do something!

It was so good to text you when I first got here...but I can't really do that much more becuase it's muy expensive.

I MISS YOU!! Come visit EspaƱa!